Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to find your Passion?

How to find your Passion?

The world is full of successful as well as unsuccessful people. Usually, we measure success in terms of money and assets a person owns and their social status.
However, my definition of success is very different. Personally, I define success as being happy with what you do and content with what you have. And that happiness comes when you know your passion.

Step-1: Identify Your Innate Skills

Identifying your innate skills is the first step to find your passion in life. Innate skills, also known as inborn skills or intrinsic skills are those which you possess since childhood.
For example, a child may be an excellent singer without any training. Or could be adept at some sport without the assistance of a coach. How does one explain this talent?
These talents are what is largely known as innate or inborn skills. You were born with that specific talent. It is usually these innate skills that further develop as your passion.
Simply, because you don’t require any external training or motivation to do something. It comes automatically.
Trying to identify innate or inborn skills requires some effort. You’ll have to walk down memory lane and find what you would enjoy the most and found easy to do.
This fits into the above description of passion- love doing something. You can do this exercise at any time of your life.

Step-2: Find Where You’re Heading

Usually, you’ll start feeling uncomfortable when you begin studying for some course that doesn’t meet your passion. You might be studying at a very prestigious engineering college or medical colleges.
You would have put in extra efforts to get admission to these reputed institutes. But when you begin the course, you’ll start feeling dissatisfied.
This usually occurs when you’re not following your passion. And it’s a wake-up call asking you to discover your passion and follow it.
At this point, think about what career you would prefer and why. Ask yourself why you’re doing a course that you don’t like at all. Most likely, it’s prestige that sent you to do the course.
Or some fake belief that you would prosper in that field. But if you’re unhappy studying, you’ll be unhappier working. Therefore, it’s better to find something that attracts you and find a course that suits your passions rather than prolonging your journey on the wrong track.

 Step-3: Find Where You Stand Now

Yes, that’s right. Find where you stand now in your life. Are you genuinely happy at the position you’re standing? Or do you have that nagging unhappiness lurking somewhere in the subconscious mind.
Do you believe you would be better off at some other job, though the pay could have been lesser? If this is indeed the case, it is high time to know your passion and start following it immediately.
If you sense that unhappiness, you’ve yet to discover your passion. At such a point, think of what you would have liked to do in your life. It could be anything that you’re passionate about.
The next thing is to find how you could earn money from your hobby or passion. Definitely, there’re numerous ways to do that. And third, find what it takes to invest and start own venture that closely matches your passion and current profession.
Doing so can help you start an excellent side business and earn extra income. Since you already hold a job, regular income wouldn’t be a problem. However, you can identify a passion to use for setting up a home-based business or even consultancy.


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